Learning motivation will not be formed if the person does not have the desire, ideals, or realize the benefits of learning for themselves.Therefore, it takes a certain conditioning, to ourselves or anyone else who wants to learn to be motivated spirit.
- Mix with people who enjoy learningMingling with people who enjoy learning and achievement, will make us even eager to learn. Also, try to find people or communities that have good habits of learning.
Ask about the experience in a variety of places to people who have or are continuing their education to higher education, the people who got beasiwa studying abroad, or people who received awards for a presrasi.
Habits and their spirit will rub off on us. Like the analogy of people who make friends with carpenters or blacksmiths perfume seller. If we associate with blacksmiths carpenters, we also joined with the smell of burnt metal splashing, and if you mix with the perfume seller, we may also be splashing the perfume scent.
- Learning anyUnderstanding learning here is widely understood, both formal and nonformal. We can learn about the various skills such as assembling computers, learning to write, make movies, sailed to entrepreneurship, and other others.
- Learning from the internetWe can utilize the Internet to join the collection of people who enjoy learning. One of our mailing lists can become a means of exchanging opinions, thoughts, and self-motivation. For example, if you want to be motivated to learn English, we can go to the mailing list Free-English-Course@yahoogroups.com.
Surround with people who are optimistic and always think positiveIn this world, there are people who always seem optimistic despite the problems merudung. We will catch the spirit, passion and sense of optimism if often socialize with people or are in a community like that, and vice versa.
Find a great motivatorSometimes, one needs another person as a driver or a mentor in life. For example: friends, girlfriend, or spouse. You can do the same thing by finding a person / community that can help to guide or motivate your learning and achievement.
"Recipe of success: Study while others sleep, work when everyone else is lazy, and when others dream of hope." - William A. Ward
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